What Women are Saying

“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.”

Diane Mariechild

For over 20 years I have lived my life rushing through my days.

As a single working Mum with four kids, I thought I had no option.

Lack of sleep and high stress dominated my life.

I needed to slow down but didn’t know-how.

Through Athalee’s guidance, I was able to introduce calm into my life, recharge my energy, and reconnect with myself.

The beauty is in its simplicity.

Anywhere and everywhere Madly Calm can be practiced.

It has been a game-changer for me. I am so impressed with the way MC has improved my daily life, my children are now learning the techniques to improve theirs.

Nina, Sydney, Australia


For most of my adult life, I went to the bathroom three times a night till I started learning to breathe properly with Athalee. In the past six months, that has reduced to 'sometimes once a night'. This has been life-changing on every level for me, better sleep, more rested clarity, and calm. Athalee has taught me numerous techniques to help me manage stress, improve energy instead of reaching for a coffee and help me have a pervading feeling of calm in my body whenever I need it. The impacts have been wide and deep, better relationships, more patience, creativity, and confidence.  If you are someone who has tried meditation and it didn’t work, you will love the instant results of breathwork. I can highly recommend working with Athalee and using this beautiful tool that most of us know nothing about. 

Carla, Paris, France


The benefits of regular Calmination Practice have given me great solace during a very turbulent time. It enabled me to switch off completely from the chaos of my days and just BE – just me and my breath.  The more practice I do the quicker I am able to switch off and totally relax. Funny but my body seems to ache for it after a while!

I sleep better, I am conscious of checking in and slowing my breathing when I am particularly stressed which is immediately soothing and calming.

I am not waking up with a backache and my whole face is more relaxed – as a result of consciously unclenching my teeth and jaw.

As a habitual shallow breather and sometimes non-breather, I have learnt to be aware to breathe slowly using my diaphragm all the time.

I am now a much happier and more peaceful person. I see things more clearly and I no longer stress over little inconsequential things – I now have the ability to let them pass. People have commented on how well I look and how relaxed I now am. My mental health during this time of Covid is much better with these sessions than without. I don’t wake to feel overwhelmed and anxious. If I feel nervous or anxious I revert to slow, deep breathing and this helps immediately.

Francesca, Sydney, Australia


Athalee, I wanted to let you know that after practicing with you this last month in the breathing class my anxiety levels have significantly subsided. I’m able to apply the techniques I’ve learned in my daily lifestyle. I have been recommending Madly Calm to my friends.

Kaye, Sydney, Australia


Being an anxious person with an over-active mind, Athalee’s sessions and learning breathing techniques to control my nervous system have had a huge impact on my health.

I have been able to retrain my thinking process and re -educate my emotions to turn the dial down, this has been so restorative to my complete wellbeing.

My life has always filled with doing for others but in the past eighteen months, I have flipped the switch and started to look after myself. The benefits from the Breathing and Calminating practices with Athalee have given me dramatic and also subtle benefits to many areas of my life, improved relationships, patience, renewed energy but mostly the ability to reset, control and balance my emotions.

Thank you for your honesty, encouragement, reassurance and integrity along with your ability to intuitively deliver what I need.

Madly Calm - yes, I am!

Moira, Gold Coast, Australia


Thank you for another great session, Athalee. I am gaining so much from your breathing classes. I am experiencing serenity and the breathwork allows grief to come up and be healed, also allowing anger to surface and release. I think we are all experiencing the collective grief of this pandemic. I am very grateful to you. Much Love.

Fae, Sydney, Australia


Hi Athalee, I am really enjoying your breathing classes they have been so helpful in many ways. I am a nurse and have found they are so effective to use in particularly stressful times. They made me realise that I have been a shallow breather for as long as I can remember. I love how you gently talk us through the breaths and remind us to relax our bodies at the same time. The box breathing is really good to help me relax and the 4-7-8 I have been using when I have difficulty sleeping. Thank you so much.

Jen. Port Macquarie, Australia


I’m a small business owner and busy mama of two very active kids. Am constantly on my feet all day with limited time however, breathing is my go to calming tool. I’ve always been interested in learning more about breathing techniques and meditation and joining Athalee’s classes recently has taught me proper techniques to relax and stay calm at any given moment. Give it a try!


Adeline, Malaysia


Thanks, so much for offering your time and expertise, the breathing classes have become a great way to start my day. I have learned how breathing can be used to energise and relax which I now bring into my workday. Thank you!

Anne, Sydney, Australia


I have really enjoyed the breathing sessions with you Athalee, I have an overall feeling of wellbeing after my sessions and am very thankful to have been a part of the group sessions and found the others feedback made the whole experience just amazing!

-Deb, Bay of Plenty, NZ (Corporate Group Workshop)

I've subscribed to a couple of the best known meditation Apps in the past but found I eventually gave up using them as I wasn't able to stick to a particular program.

During lockdown in France, like many of us, I found myself having panic attacks and high anxiety and wasn't able to focus.  The breathing and calming techniques I learnt with Madly Calm have changed my life and are now a part of my daily routine from the moment I wake until falling asleep. The online classes are brilliant and so encouraging. I now know what to do if I begin to feel overwhelmed and have much more control over my emotional and mental wellbeing. A million thanks, Athalee — and by the way, you saved me money on those apps!

Jilly, France


Athalee, I just had to express my gratitude and appreciation for your breathing sessions. Like many of us, I have been overwhelmed with constant stress and emotional challenges. With your help, I now have the tools that I use to cope and stay positive. Thank you.

Jan, Gold Coast, Australia


Wow, Athalee! Those techniques you taught me this session to clear my nasal passages and free my breathing are brilliant!!! Honestly, I am able to breathe so much better when I run, I am still having to concentrate on nose breathing all the time but it is getting easier the more I practice. It is also helping with my stress levels at work and am much less reactive, so my colleagues tell me Haha! Thanks again see you next week, really getting so much from these sessions.

Angie, Boulder, USA


Inhale. exhale.

It may sound quite easy but I've been finding it difficult in this seem like never ending COVID-19 lockdown in my home country, Malaysia.

Having to stay home, work from home, monitoring kids school work and doing EVERYTHING from home, the stress and anxiety levels have definitely increased.

Everyone I know is struggling and many haven’t been sleeping well.

This Madly Calm breathing practice is a great way to start my day, they don’t take more than half hour of my time and are so necessary to build a long lasting effect on my physical and mental health. It helps me to get through the COVID-19 lockdown days with a positive spirit for sure.

Hallena, KL, Malaysia. 

Hi Athalee, I just wanted to say I really enjoyed the breathing practices you taught us. I didn’t realise how helpful they would be in my day-to-day life. Thank you very much for teaching us those techniques.

- Sai, Sydney, Australia (Corporate Group Workshop)

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