Meet Madly Calm
“If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment.”
— Carlos Santana
Hi, I am Athalee.
I use Breathing and Calming practices to guide women to truly restore their authentic selves.
Women who want to develop new habits for a healthier and longer life and take responsibility for their own health and well-being, mentally, physically, and emotionally.
I have been using breathing techniques for many years
as a Physical Education Teacher, Cycling Coach,
and personally in my fitness and yoga practices.
Breathing has always been a big part of my teaching principles and has been beneficial in assisting women and kids with their performance, recovery, and most importantly with a flow-on effect into their personal life. This and a personal shakeup is what has led me to further studies and certifications as a Meditation Teacher, Breathwork Coach and Yoga Nidra Guide.
This was my Shake-up.
My quality of life and health improved dramatically when I consciously began using my breath more efficiently to reduce pain, anxiety, and stress, during two life-changing events whilst living in Malaysia.
Beginning with a rampaging rogue monkey attack in my living room that resulted in a chunk of my arm being carted away in the monkey’s toxic teeth. That took a little time to heal, not only the nasty infections, but the monkey phobia was real!
The jungle wasn’t done with me yet.
Ten months later, I was scraped unconscious off the road by four male strangers with questionable driving skills, who had caused me to crash my bicycle.
I woke up with a sizable hole in my face, lucky to keep my right eye, skin off all areas of my body, bruised and battered but alive. My physical healing was slow, that road is not kind when you hit it.
I was physically, mentally, emotionally exhausted, and scarred (literally) from these events, and in need of a complete reset. Wrap this all up with a long roller coaster ride of hot & sweaty perimenopause to menopause in the tropics and voila as my husband endearingly called me, a Mental Milkshake!
The simple act of breathing was my answer.
In both these incidents, I was able to turn in and focus on my breathing. Not once did I become hysterical or irrational.
Whilst everyone around me was doing the freaking out, I used my breath to keep it together.
The simple act of using my breath to remain calm in these situations and witnessing the power it had, not only in keeping me calm but in assisting with recovery and speed of healing, encouraged me to further study, practice, and learn as much as I could.
This leads me to now wanting to share it with you.
I have been guiding women online from around the world and now it is time to introduce my methods to a wider audience. So a big warm WELCOME to this online space where we can connect wherever and whenever suits you most.
I hope you will join me to become Madly Calm and to Breathe Life into Yourself.