MadlyCalm Classes
“Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy and serenity.”
—Thich Nhat Hanh.
Flow Breathing & Relaxation Practice
This class will allow you to experience and feel, all your breath can do for your physical, mental, and emotional health. A flowing combination of accelerated breathing, balanced with slower heart coherence breathing diffusing calmness, clarity, and openness through your body and mind.
Classes vary with simple, safe & easy-to-follow breathing techniques.
If you are new to breath work, all classes can be practiced within your breathing capabilities, and aligned with your respiratory health and capacity.
You will feel
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Alternating Hot/Cold Therapy
60-minute session moving between
Ice Bath ~ Steam Sauna ~ Magnesium Baths.
A deeply relaxing and therapeutic session that will restore you on a physical and emotional level, soothing muscles, and calming your nervous system.
Contrast therapy has many benefits, including helping lower stress and inflammation, aiding muscle recovery, and increasing mental and emotional strength and stability.
Leave feeling
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Rest & Replenish
Breathwork and Alternating Hot Cold Therapy
The Go Slow and Rest ~ 90-minute session
Beginning with a 45-minute restorative breathing/relaxation practice that soothes your nervous system and prepares your body, mind & soul for the 45 minutes of alternating ~ ice bath ~ steam sauna~magnesium bath.
Increasing respiratory health, improving circulation, lowering inflammation, promotes recovery, reduce stress.
Your BODY | MIND | SOUL will love you for it
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