Madly Calm Classes


“It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos.”

— Donna Karan

What is a Breathing Practice

The classes are designed to exercise your breathing muscles and strengthen your respiratory system. Bringing awareness to your breathing by offering simple and scientifically based breathing techniques to change your breathing habits for a healthier you, a healthier life. The classes vary in length there is always an element of calm and tranquility built into the sessions, and always beautiful music. You will leave grounded, energised, and filled with vitality. All practices are safe and done to your own capabilities. All classes are outlined on the booking page and any precautions are all listed. Breathing correctly allows you to take responsibility & manage areas of your own health and wellness.

What Classes are Available and how do I book and pay?

  • A variety of breathing classes are available, relaxing & restorative as well as activating and energising classes

  • Click the Let’s Breathe button below to read more.

Breathe Life into Yourself

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Deep Rest Yoga Nidra

A beautifully restorative class that guides your body and mind into a deeply relaxed state, whilst also infusing you with vitality and energy.

We tend to be in human doing mode most of the time. Constantly on the go go go, we leave our human being relaxed mode only for Sunday’s or holidays. This Yoga Nidra class is the ultimate in letting go and rejuvenating on a physical, mental, and emotional level. Finish feeling energised like you have had a really good night’s sleep!

A Mind-Blowing Blissful Practice