Frequently Asked Questions


“Always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.”

- E.E Cummings

Breathing FAQs


Who is it suitable for?

EVERYONE! We all breathe young, older, stressed out, relaxed. Everyone can benefit from learning to breathe more efficiently.

However, for certain breathing techniques if you are pregnant or suffer any serious medical conditions it would be advisable to consult your physician first.

Is it safe?

The beauty of breathing practice is you are in control at all times. There is no competition or goal setting, the ability to stop, pause and return to your natural breathing rhythm is completely accessible to you at any time. You are using a natural bodily function and feeling the health benefits it can produce when utilised to its full potential.

Basic Safety Precautions

In saying this, you would always practice in a safe environment. Not while driving, swimming, or in water.

I easily become breathless when walking for exercise, do you have any exercises to help?

Respiratory muscles are like any muscle of your body they need to be exercised. With simple changing breathing of habits, you can improve your breathing and ease your breathlessness. I have a video HERE that explains 4 basic breathing functions & habits.

Is it ok to practice if I am pregnant?

I would advise against any intense breathing practices, especially in the first trimester. Gentle, slow breathing techniques without forced breath holds could be appropriate and more aligned with the breathing/birthing practices taught in prenatal classes. All practices would be subject to discussion with your doctor for approval.

Do I need any breathwork experience?

No, not at all! We all do it so you are already experienced, just may need a little fine-tuning and awareness of your current breathing habits.

My nose is often blocked am I still able to do the breathing classes?

Yes, absolutely. I have a video and information for a great nose unblocking exercise HERE. Your nose is designed for breathing, the more you persevere and breathe through it rather than opting for mouth breathing, the easier it will be to unblock and be free to breathe.

Will I hyperventilate or pass out?

Definitely not. We will do some rapid-style breathing at times but always in a controlled and moderate intensity.

YOU are in control of your breathing and anything you feel uneasy with, there is always an alternative method. You are able to monitor how subtle or intense you take your practice.

Am I able to practice on my own?

Yes, and I encourage you to use the techniques daily. They are simple techniques that can be used anywhere anytime you need them. The techniques on functional breathing found HERE are changes that can be made to your breathing immediately to allow for healthier breathing habits.

Calmination FAQs


What is Calmination?

Calmination is a Trademarked name I have created for my meditation practices. I found ladies were hesitant to join or the often spoken 3 words popped up I can’t meditate. By taking the underlying apprehension away it was like a cloud lifting and the sun was able to shine through. Calmination was born!

How is Calmination different?

Calmination classes are a blend of breathing techniques, movement, music, and experiencing stillness/silence.

These classes are the perfect mix to bring emotional balance, mental clarity, and tranquility. It is practiced with patience and kindness towards yourself.

Deeply grounded you will leave with aligned energy, inner peace, and a soothing connection to your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Body.

Do I need a special place or equipment?

No special equipment is required, a comfortable chair or perhaps a cushion to sit on the floor, whatever your preference. I do recommend having a quiet, private space if possible, by returning to the same chair, cushion on a regular basis it is a signal to your body and mind that you are about to be still, quiet, and relaxed. It is always nice to create a special area no matter how small that has some beauty in it, a small plant, a candle to light, a beautiful blanket. Your own personal touch of beauty to create a little sanctuary.

How long should my calmination session last?

You can begin with as little as 5 minutes and progress from there. It is all about creating a ritual or routine so your body and mind become familiar with the feelings and experience of inner calm and stillness.

When Should I Calminate?

This is a personal and lifestyle decision and your daily routine.

Early morning as nature and the human world begin to wake and move is a special time to practice. Evening as the day is winding down and your body and mind are preparing for sleep is also a time that may suit

Do I have to sit on the floor cross-legged?

No not at all! Choose a chair or a cushion on the floor, whatever feels most comfortable to you, and you are able to maintain a well-balanced posture. By posture I mean in a position that allows your spine to be elongated following the natural curves, your body soft and shoulders relaxed, rolled back and down.

I want to calminate but my mind is so busy, will it ever be still?

This is natural so do not worry there is nothing wrong! It is important that you treat these many thoughts with kindness and curiosity and to be patient.

If you want to be more in the present, grounded, and desire inner peace and calm it is possible to quiet your mind. It requires practice, your mind is designed for thinking so it will not happen overnight. A regular practice will assist to turn the volume down, quiet the chatter, and still your busy mind.