adventure into the world of

breath and

cold immersion

  • The thought of a cold shower gives you goosebumps?

  • Your breathing at times feel constricted or fast?

  • You may be experiencing stress, or feeling anxious.

  • Stop ocean swimming in Winter?

  • Perhaps you ✔️✔️✔️ all of the above?

I could go on and on and on

HOWEVER, let‘s just say the proven side benefits of breathwork and jumping in a tub of ice, when done in a safe and controlled environment, far outnumber the times that little voice in your head says “crazy stuff- not for me”

Come on…… keep reading and I will let you in on a few more scientifically proven benefits that could possibly change your life for the better.

Big Statement I Know!

“Breathe deeply, until sweet air extinguishes the burn of fear in your lungs and every breath is a beautiful refusal to become anything less than infinite.”

~ D. Antoinette Foy

Benefits of Cold Immersion Therapy

  • ANTI Inflammatory - inflammation of the body equates to an inflammation of the brain.

  • Bathing in cold water has been shown to increase white blood cells the cold shock activates the immune system and releases more white blood cells in response.

  • Activates Brown Fat which improves your metabolism.

  • Cardio Vascular - helps to lower and maintain blood pressure

  • Increases your environmental tolerance and adaptation

  • Proven to assist in Mental Wellness and increased resilience to life stressors

  • Sports-related injuries - reduce recovery time, inflammation, and muscle stiffness.

  • Elevates your mood and mental clarity

the power of  your breathing

We underestimate the power and importance of the role our breathing plays in every aspect of our physical functioning.

Breathing efficiently has a direct influence on every system within your body like your Nervous, Endocrine, Digestive, and Cardiovascular systems.

This workshop will dedicate time to teaching you and practicing, scientifically based breathing techniques that will have a direct influence on your health and well-being.

Safe effective and easy-to-learn breathing techniques that you can introduce straight away into your everyday life.







your breath really is the elixir of life!

Why should I join and what will I learn?

The Challenge

  • Learn the basic fundamentals of breathing, and how making simple changes to your breathing habits will benefit you in many areas of your health, wellness, and lifestyle.

The Thrill

  • This exhilarating breathing session will give you a complete physical, emotional and mental release! Dropping you entirely out of your busy mind, releasing physical tension, and feeling calm & relaxed. All to a great soundtrack that will guide you to

    Breathe Life into Yourself!

The Chill

  • This definitely is a mental challenge!

    2 minutes in an ice bath with nowhere to hide.

    Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is going to be your reward, along with the elated feeling of overcoming your mental attitude.

DATE: Friday, August 16th, 23rd, 30th

TIME: 9.30 AM TO 10.30 AM

COST: $150.00

(includes morning tea)

ADDRESS: MadlyCalm Breathing Space 131 Granite Street, Port Macquarie