

Let’s get Madly Calm together.

What is Madly Calm?

MADLY (adverb) - with a lot of energy and enthusiasm

CALM (adjective) - peaceful, quiet & without worry

Imagine using breathing techniques that ignite your energy, strengthen your lung function or relax and calm you when needed. Perhaps you are relying on a coffee for your morning kick start or that afternoon slump, maybe you are pouring a glass of wine to relax at the end of your workday, or to cope with a multitude of life stresses.

Instead, you could spend 5 minutes using your breath in a safe, simple, and practical way.

Learn simple scientifically based ways to change your breathing habits for a healthier life.

Think of Madly Calm as a prescription pad of breathing techniques and your breath as your own internal medicinal cabinet. Before reaching for a pill to alleviate your symptoms, you choose an appropriate breathing technique from your little medicinal treasure chest that is natural, fast-acting with side benefits, not side effects.


FACT: You breathe more than 20,000 breaths per day.

With simple changes to your breathing habits, your Breath will be your most holistic and complimentary approach to your health care.


Breathing is your number one health and wellness tool.

The majority of us have not experienced the powerful benefits breathing correctly can have. Subtle changes to your breathing patterns can deliver so many restorative health benefits, from enhancing blood flow and oxygen delivery to your body and brain, improving sleep, to bringing calmness to your mind and body, your breath is the elixir to life.

Instead, we think normal is living with shallow breathing, over-breathing, mouth breathing, experiencing breathlessness, sinusitis, suffering sleep issues like sleep apnea and insomnia, sleeping with our mouths open, and snoring, when really it is creating an energy-draining repeat cycle.

Poor breathing patterns have been scientifically proven to compromise our Cardiovascular, Muscular, Gastrointestinal, Neurological not to mention Psychological systems.

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We enter the world with a breath.

Observe a baby breathing it is quiet, soft, and through the nose, lips gently closed.

Pure, natural, perfect.

As we grow our lifestyle habits, environment, diet, and hormonal changes all have an impact on our breathing. We pay very little attention to our breathing UNLESS it has an impact on our health.


Breathe life into yourself.


I love teaching these simple techniques to women. Witnessing and hearing their results, their feelings, their experiences, and most importantly seeing their smiles,  lifted spirits, and healthier lifestyles!

In a world that allows women 50+ to slowly fade away, I say let’s re-ignite your spark and keep that inner flame glowing. Having the mental clarity to say yes to things that light you up and bring you joy and no to the things that don’t.


Benefits of Madly Calm

If you would like to be able to naturally manage your stress levels and boost your energy with minimal effort required, Breathing is your answer. 

There is so much going on around you that is out of your control but NOT your breathing!

You will be pleasantly surprised at the many other areas of your life that will be enhanced and supported with the power of your Breath. 

Below are just a few of the areas that Madly Calm may help with your health and wellness journey.

  • Clarity & Focus

    Brain foggy, forgetful, hard to concentrate? Get proactive with your brain health.

  • Anxiety & Panic

    Stress takes a toll both physically & mentally. Breathe to keep calm & maintain balance.

  • Sleeplessness

    Research confirms the relationship between quality of sleep and breathing.

  • Moods & Emotions

    Changing your breathing patterns can have a direct impact on your mood & feelings.

  • Energy Levels

    Better breathing, better oxygenation of blood & brain, a recipe for better energy levels.

  • The Pause

    Menopause accelerates lung health decline. Get Proactive in your respiratory health.

I have been guiding women around the world both online and in face-to-face classes. Now it is time to introduce my methods to a wider audience.

Reclaim your inner calm with your number one health and wellness tool, your BREATH, and feel the benefits within your body and within your mind instantly.

Join a class with me to Breathe Life into Yourself

What Madly Calm Women Are Saying

“Athalee, I wanted to let you know that after practicing with you this last month in the breathing class my anxiety levels have significantly subsided. I’m able to apply the techniques I’ve learned in my daily lifestyle. I have been recommending Madly Calm to my friends.”

Kaye, Sydney, Australia


“Hi Athalee, I am really enjoying your breathing classes they have been so helpful in many ways. I am a nurse and have found they are so effective to use in particularly stressful times. They made me realise that I have been a shallow breather for as long as I can remember. I love how you gently talk us through the breaths and remind us to relax our bodies at the same time. The box breathing is really good to help me relax and the 4-7-8 I have been using when I have difficulty sleeping. Thank you so much!”

— Jen, Port Macquarie Australia


“I’m a small business owner and busy mama of two very active kids. Am constantly on my feet all day with limited time however, breathing is my go-to calming tool. I’ve always been interested in learning more about breathing techniques and meditation and joining Athalee’s classes recently has taught me proper techniques to relax and stay calm at any given moment. Give it a try!

Adeline, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


“Thank you for another great session, Athalee. I am gaining so much from your breathing classes. I am experiencing serenity and the breathwork allows grief to come up and be healed, also allowing anger to surface and release. I think we are all experiencing the collective grief of this pandemic. I am very grateful to you. Much Love.”

Fae, Sydney, Australia


“My life has always filled with doing for others but in the past eighteen months, I have flipped the switch and started to look after myself. The benefits from the Breathing and Calminating practices with Athalee have given me dramatic and also subtle benefits to many areas of my life, improved relationships, patience, renewed energy but mostly the ability to reset, control and balance my emotions.

Thank you for your honesty, encouragement, reassurance, and integrity along with your ability to intuitively deliver what I need.

Madly Calm - yes, I am!”

Moira, Gold Coast, Australia


Follow Madly Calm.